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a cozy corner of the internet

TSL’s Mission

The Steadfast Life exists to inspire and equip women through scripture, intentional content, beautifully crafted tools, and genuine sisterhood.

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A Steadfast Sis is someone who is…

- Rooted in the Word
- Unwavering
- Unshakable
- Faithful
- Confident in her identity in Christ

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They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord.
— Psalm 112:7


Hey Steadfast Sis,
you belong here!

If you are new here, I’m so happy you found The Steadfast Life! This is a place to grow in our relationship with God and with one another through community, encouraging posts, and beautiful resources and products.

To stay up to date with my blog and to get notified when fun sales are happening in my shop, make sure to sign up for my newsletter! You will also receive 10% off of your next purchase when you sign up!

Picture of friends with mission; “becoming steadfast through His Word, vulnerability, and sisterhood”.

Hey everyone,
I’m Sammy!

Passionate about Jesus, family, my cute pup, EVERY sport, ministry, and of course, creativity!

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Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart, those of you that hope in the Lord.
— Psalm 31:24
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